Thursday, December 8, 2016
Cells and Bacteria: DLO
This week we were assigned to make a D.L.O (Digital Learning Object) on cells and bacteria. Here's what my group came up with!.
Kakapo DLO
This week, 10KLe were assigned to make a Digital Learning Object on Aotearoa's Native bird, the Kakapo. Here's what me and Rave came up with.
Tuesday, October 11, 2016
Science:Term 3 Reflection
What was a fun/interesting lesson you learn't last Term?
A lesson i really enjoyed was when we made those mini science experiments like the oobleck and the Science art. I really found it interesting how with only 2 ingredients you can make such an amazing science experiment. i also liked how we were taught about how the cornstarch and water reacted together to make both a liquid and a solid.
Monday, October 10, 2016
Recap : Website - Tools and Techniques
What have I learn't about HTML and CSS in DigiTech?
i have used HTML and CSS when creating a website on Code Academy called, Ollie Bike Sharing. HTML is used when you want to insert images and tags. CSS is used when you want to style and design your documents on a website. I learn't that HTML and CSS is used to code websites and networks.
Thursday, September 22, 2016
Creative Math
Thursday, September 8, 2016
Pattern and Graphs
Reading Coordinates
During class today, i learn't about reading Coordinates, and how to locate points on a Coordinate Graph. I learn't that you must have 2 numbers to find a coordinate and the first number is always on the 'x' axis. A quote i always remember from primary is "x to the right and y to the sky".
Here are a few coordinates from the graph below:
Thursday, September 1, 2016
During the past few weeks I have learn't about Statistics and how to use and make graphs online. I learn't about Scatterplots, Box plots, time graphs and also Line graphs. We learn't about Two different types of Data which are, Quantitative and Qualitative. Quantitative data is shown through numbers and Quantity. Qualitative data is shown through descriptive ways and also the Qualities it shows. We also reviewed some Mean, Median and mode knowledge. I have really learn't a lot so far, on how to do Statistics online on Google Sheets.
Here are some graphs from my Statistics work.

Here are some graphs from my Statistics work.

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